Tanzania emblem

Ofisi ya Rais

Idara ya Kumbukumbu na Nyaraka za Taifa

Building photo

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit


To provide expertise and services in planning, monitoring and evaluation to the Department of Records and Archives Management.


Planning Schedule

  1. Coordinate formulation and preparation of the Department of RAMD’s Annual Plan and Medium Term Strategic Plan;
  2. Compile RAMD’s programmes and Action Plans;
  3. Develop strategies for resource mobilization;
  4. Provide technical support for institutionalization of strategic plan and budget matters;
  5. Leasing the Ministry of Finance and PO-PSM on strategic and budgeting matters; and
  6. Participate in analysis of outsourcing of non core functions (Private sector participation).               

Monitoring and Evaluation Schedule

  1. Coordinate preparation of regulations and guidelines;
  2. Coordinate compilation of monitoring and evaluation reports from the Divisions and Units;
  3. Prepare periodic (weekly, monthly, quarterly, midyear and annual) performance reports for the RAMD;
  4. Provide inputs in preparing plans, programmes and budgetary activities including establishment of performance indicators;
  5. Provide technical support including institutionalization of monitoring and evaluation process within the RAMD;
  6. Undertake research and impact studies of plans, projects and programme;
  7. Undertake service delivery surveys to collect stake holders/clients views on services rendered by the RAMD;
  8. Coordinate midyear and annual performance reviews of the RAMD